Chapter 3



                Rick travelled by Electro-bus back to his home district to meet with Brick. He really wanted to run chasing the Gray Man that had escaped but The Long District was just that, long. He knew he needed to check the database for news, anything that would help point him in the right direction.

                Rick leaned back and put some of Jakson’s music on. While many Fuzz players go for layers upon layers of crackly distortions to back their vocals, Jakson kept the music minimalistic, but not simple. One moment the music was loud, and he would be screaming in the mic, the next it would soften, and he would sing equally softly, the beats would change not staying the same for the song’s duration.

The visitors to Jakson’s database were growing daily, he was playing more small shows in an increasing number of districts.

The time passed quickly, and the Electro-bus stopped a couple blocks from MAGGIE’S, Rick stepped into the street and moved through the crowds, the smell of fish from street vendors and the sound of street musicians made him feel at home. Every building he passed was made of dull, grayish, silver metal, the only way to differentiate one building from another were the names or street numbers above the doors. Then there was the wonderful exception of MAGGIE’S, a one story building with, red brick, and white worn wooden doors sandwiched between the modern metal minimalistic construction common throughout the city. In front of the coffee shop Brick stood, hands in the pockets of his crisp uniform draped over his thin frame.

“Rick!” Brick called out, “I thought you would never show.”

“You know I can’t miss our date.” Rick grinned, “You didn’t grab a table?”

“Nah, I was busy ditching the new kid at some new bar, and besides I didn’t want to get three coffees in before you showed, I’d end up peein’ a river and never have time to talk.” He commented casually as he turned and entered MAGGIE’S.

As they entered the smell of baked goods and coffee made Rick’s mouth water as he realized he hadn’t had any lunch. “Mm I could go for some of the massive cinnamon muffins they have here.”

“That sounds delicious.” Brick eyed the muffins trapped behind the glass.

Alice was behind the counter with a young girl who was maybe in her early twenties. Rick peeked in the EMPLOYEES ONLY area and he didn’t see Jakson’s Fuzz board. Brick picked a corner booth and slid in Rick slid in across from him. “Anything fun happen this week?”

“Well, we had a new recruit from The Lords District in order to supplement our numbers. He was an insufferable prick, so Bronson put him on paperwork duty, within the span of three days he was requesting to be sent back to his home station.”

Rick through back his head and laughed, “it is amazing how paperwork can cause you to rethink life.”

“Yeah,” Brick grinned, “the Chief wasn’t too pleased because of the attention that was brought our way.” Brick lowered his voice conspiratorially.

Rick leaned forward and matched Bricks tone, “Honestly I’m not sure what would please the chief other than the status quo never changing.”

“Speaking of which I see that you seem to be taking a break from cases, is that helping?”

“I am taking the time to better separate an Alice memory from a me memory” Rick lied. Brick seemed like he was about to say something when Janet came gliding up.

“What will you boys be having?”

Brick spoke quickly. “One of your massive cinnamon muffins and some Chaffig Coffee.”

“Okay,” Janet said as she put the order in her pad then she turned towards Rick. “What about you, hon?”

“Same muffin but Mivon Coffee, Maggie’s way.”

“Sounds good sweetie.”

Brick lifted his C-stick before Rick could get to his and paid, but before Janet could leave Rick asked, “Where’s Jakson?”

“Concert in the River district, that’s why I hired Burnett over there.”

“That is awesome, he deserves his success.”

She nodded, “I am proud of him, doing what he loves, pursuing it, making some money from it. I… well I cannot honestly complain.”

“Listen Rick, me and the boys, we want revenge for what happened to you.” Brick said once Janet had left.

“I,” Rick paused, “I, was going to mention that I’ve been listening and enjoying Jackson’s music before we dived into anything heavy but, well… I don’t want revenge when I meet the person who made me kill Alice-”

“You mean who killed Alice using you?” Brick interrupted.

“Yeah that,” Rick sighed. “I Don’t know what I’d do, I would probably just break down and cry and do nothing.” He clutched the side of the table. “I don’t want revenge; I just want Alice back. I want to hold her, kiss her, I want to tell her that I love her one more time.” Rick felt tears touch the corners of his eyes. “Do you know what the last thing that went through her head before she died was?”

Brick shook his head to indicate that he did not know.

“Concern and love for me, she saw me collapsed and was concerned for me.” Rick paused, the hand not gripping the table was shaking. “She was dying, and she was worried for me! She should have blamed me for what happened.” Rick paused and added quietly. “I do. And it would be easier if she did.”

“Well, you were trapped by whatever device they had that was controlling you, so you shouldn’t blame yourself.” Brick stated quietly, “Get away from the force, from investigating, with your credits, experience, and notoriety you could teach. The…”

“I could move my finger!” Rick held his finger up to drive home the point. “I was so close to getting my gun I am sure I could have broken free and done something to stop what was happening. I could not help her, but I must do what I can to help others. Stop telling me to stop! I finally felt useful, like I was doing something good with the Ethel case. I can do more, I must do more. This city is corrupt, why was I berated for saving a boy and revealing corruption? The Bronze Book tells us that to take advantage of our fellow for gain will see us cast into the domain of the demoniac.”

“The Visions flesh out the ideas in the Bronze Book, like the fact that the passing of blessings covers our trespasses, by bringing trespasses to the light as well as removing someone’s ability to pass blessing is to damn them to the realm of the demoniac. So, we must be careful who we condemn to that eternal fate. And Rick, I know you can’t stop.” Brick said, “but that does not stop me from wishing that you would because I do care about you.”

“I know.” Rick said quietly as their orders arrived.

They ate and drank, talking about other things before saying farewell. Walking home Rick swung by the liquor store for something cheap and strong.


Chapter 4


Chapter 2