Chapter 2


4:00 p.m.

            Rick stepped outside of the psychiatrist’s office and the door clicked closed behind. The hand that held his cane shook slightly. He had never been this emotional before, he had always been better at holding it in, but now he felt his grasp on himself slipping. “I need some good coffee.” He stated out loud. Perhaps if he talked out loud, he could know that what he said came from himself.

            The walk to Maggie’s was slow, a walk that should have taken thirty minutes instead ended up taking an hour. He pushed the worn door open, exiting the modern, metal, minimalism and entering the old, wooden, slightly cluttered, coziness of Maggie’s.

Rick sat down in a booth and began to look over the menu. Looking over the menu was a pointless exercise, due to the fact he knew exactly what he would get, Mivon coffee Maggie’s way and a cinnamon muffin, but it felt weird to not at least give it a cursory overview. Perhaps he would decide to try something different.

            His stomach churned suddenly at the thought of coffee, aloud he whispered to himself, “This is Kite, his memories, I like coffee.” Nothing happened. The revulsion stayed for a couple minutes before fading naturally. He leaned back and sighed happy that the feeling had faded.

            As he was sitting, still composing himself he spotted Janice rushing towards him. Her face appeared red and flustered. “Rick, come.” She grabbed the sleeve of his coat and all but dragged him into the EMPLOYEES ONLY section of the coffee shop.

            “Janice, what’s wrong?”

            “Jakson. He-” A tear rolled down her thin face as she choked down a sob. “He hasn’t been home in two days.”

            “Which I suppose is unusual?”

            “She nodded.”

            “He is like seventeen, perhaps he just stayed out with a friend.”

            “I hope so, but whenever he finishes a concert, he always calls me and tells me how it went. But I heard nothing after he went to play at the Underdistrict Club in Bruford.”

            “Has he been mixed up with any questionable people?”

            “I mean, he has rubbed shoulders with some questionable people just due to the gigs he could get, but he always brought a friend or two, he never went alone.”

            “Have you called the police?”

            “No I… don’t trust them, I have never known them to go out of the way to help. You are the exception.” She grabbed his freshly ironed shirt in balled up fists. “Please.”

            Rick sighed. “If I am caught, which is likely, I will be imprisoned. My Detective’s license has been revoked, is there no one who can do this legally?”

“None that I trust.”

“I will do what I can but I will not have the benefit of waving a badge, but I cannot do nothing. I will go to the Underdistrict Club and see what I find out. Do you know what friend went with him this last time?”


            “A Seffalon name.”

            “His parents fled the isles when Cuh’nok took power. So, he was born here.”

            “I will do my best to find your son.”

            Janice hugged him, tears leaking out of her eyes and moistening Rick’s coat. “Thank you.” Rick just stood there holding her, he would let her go when she was ready. Alice had been the hugger, so he tried to think of her. He felt slightly more comfortable giving the hug, so perhaps the extra memories could have some benefit.

            After a few minutes Janice pushed herself away and wiped her eyes. “Go get him.”

            Rick smiled and squeezed her arm. “Can I have a muffin to go?”

            She smiled and pressed one into his hand. “On the house.”

            “I’ll do my best.”

            “I know.” 


Chapter 3


Chapter 1