Bylor Publishing

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35th of Gavos, in the Waxing within the 4th year, 11:55 a.m.

            “So,” Alice sidled closer to her husband and entwined her fingers with his as they walked down the street. “What are you planning for our one year?”

            Rick squeezed her hand and smiled. “It would not be a surprise if I told you.”

            Alice put the back of her free hand against her forehead and said in an exaggerated high-pithed voice, “Oh, how cliché. I was such a fool to try and wiggle any info from you, my big strong man.”

            “Hardie, har har. Well apparently, I have been watching to many old films, they have been making me want to do some good old fashioned anniversary surprise.”

            “Have you been watching them at night when you were supposed to be working on some of your police reports?” She gave her husband her best accusatory look, though that only made him laugh. “I am your co-worker; I could report you.”

            “I suppose you could, but look,” Rick pointed at a ship. “We are here.”

            Alice looked up feeling curious. “What do you have cooking?”

            “A full course meal while cruising along the river.”

            “Very romantic! Perhaps I won’t report you after all.”

            “Bribery seems to work well on you.”

            “Well just remember that the next time I catch you shirking your police duties.”

            Rick smiled, “I would expect nothing less.”


      Kite waited below the stage; the amulet tucked away in a pocket on the inside of his suit jacket. Eddy stood nearby holding a chain connected to a gray man he was whispering to and stroking the head of to calm it before turning back to him.

            “I did as you said Mr. Kite, I sent some of my eyes to follow and record this Rick fellow and his wife. And sir are you sure we have to have his wife killed, she could fetch a decent price on the market, I can think of quite a few people who might pay top dollar for her even though she may be a bit old for the Reverend Saint himself.”


            Rick pulled the dining chair out for Alice to sit. Once he was sure she was seated he moved around to his seat. As he went to sit, he made a brushing motion across his back to move his trench coat out of the way, but instead he just brushed air. “I am not use to not having my trench coat,”

Alice chuckled, “I am surprised you didn’t wear it. you seem nearly inseparable from it.” She picked up the menu and began to browse the items. “Though I appreciate how your film ingrained romantic sensibilities made you decide not to where it.”

“Well, it is an endlessly useful item of clothing, especially when the weather is unpredictable. But for my love, I would forgo anything for you.”

            The ship lurched forward as they began to move. “How long have you had that line rehearsed?” she teased.

Rick began to answer when someone cleared their throat and began to speak. “People of Nexus city and abroad I come to speak to you of the afterlife.” Setting down his menu Rick noted a man in simple clothing standing at the end of the dining area. “We, The Brethren of The Holy Depths tell you that below the tower lies the gate to the seat of Nexan himself. This I know is common knowledge.”

“A cultist,” Rick shook his head. “He needs to shut up and not ruin what we have going on, or we will end up like Seffalon.”

“Will you do anything?” Alice asked.

Rick paused as the cultist continued, “But I am here to tell you The Guardian is the leader of the demons within the sky, he and his legion are abiding their time till they attack these Holy Depths. At that time Nextian himself will come forth alone and defeat the hordes. From then onwards he will be our light. Not this pagan god, not this ‘Guardian’.”

“I believe I can shirk my duties for this date. Do you agree?”

She nodded and clasped his hand in hers.

Some guards walked up and grabbed the preacher and dragged him off. The whole time he called for all those listening to repent of their worship of a false god.

Rick’s hands were slick on the plastic of the menu. “So, uh, for our appetizer, fried green tomatoes or sardines in a mustard sauce?”



“Eddy, we are being paid to break Rick, to have him kill his wife and take her memories into himself, to cause him to crack. For us to do anything outside of that is a death wish.”


            Alice felt sorry for the man, he did not appear violent, yet he would be taken to the guarded facility in the Upper Nexus District.

            She found it hard to concentrate on, and enjoy, the food. Looking up she saw the distant look in her husband’s eyes and knew he was thinking the same thing. “So, the raffle for tickets to the circus is tomorrow.”

“Oh, yeah, well I didn’t contribute much to the pot, so I have a slim chance. Most of the officers have more money than I do so, it is a roll of the die, just one which I am very unlikely to win.”


            “Start allowing news of eaiz shipments to make their way to the Crick District Police, we need this Rick to start staking these areas out, as well as make some arrests, in order to minimize suspicion when we spring the trap.” Mr. Kite threw on his long Black and red striped sequin cloak. “But for now we are exotic Seffalonese performers, who do nothing within the realm of illegality.”