Chapter 1: Run

8th of Nextious, in the Waning within the 1st year of the third cycle, 5:30 p.m.

                Rick sat on a bench, his goatee shaved and wearing some old clothes he had found in a dumpster. The crowds jostled back and forth as he watched his apartment building waiting to see if there were any police monitoring the apartment. Yet he had seen none, with a groan he stood, his side screamed in pain from what he assumed were cracked ribs from the fall he had taken a few hours earlier. He limped to the door his heart kept beating faster and faster as he felt sure that there were eyes on him, that at any moment hands would grab him from the crowd and drag him off to the same end as Jakson.

                Yet none of his fears manifested and he reached the door and put his hand on the familiar faux gold handle of the apartment building and pulled it open. He walked upstairs and passed by Lainey as she ran a vacuum over the faded and worn-down green carpet. She looked at him and gave him a small smile and wave. Rick stopped and motioned for her to turn off the vacuum which she did. “Has anyone been to my apartment?”

                “Oh! Rick! you shaved! I barely recognized you!

“Well, I figured I needed a change.”

“Oh, I understand dear. With all you have been through you deserve it.”

“Uh, yeah, I suppose so. Um, about my apartment?”

“Well, I have not seen anyone, but you know I stay so busy that doesn’t mean much.”

                “Thank you, Lainey. If anyone asks, I’m not feeling well and will be staying in my apartment for a while.”

                “I understand.”

He continued to his room, unlocked the door, and entered. He passed by his heaped-up prayer rug and went to his dresser where he kept his and Alice’s real gold Guardian pendants along with an assortment of jewelry that he hoped had value. Then went to the window and looked down at the back alley. There were just a couple of guys fishing on the side of the alley that ended with the canal. With a groan due to his protesting ribs, he went out the window and down the fire escape. Once at the bottom he leaned against the rail by the fisherman and said, “Can you two reel in your rods?”

They both looked at him bewildered, “Why would we do that?”

“I don’t feel like adding hooked by a fishhook to my list of injuries.”

“Are you going to jump in the canal?”


“While fully dressed?”

“It’s my life.”

“Yeah… I suppose that is true”. They then reeled in their lines Rick gave them an appreciative nod then painfully hoisted himself up and over the railing.

6:00 P:M

Rick rubbed his bare chin nervously as he slumped against a rough brick wall in a ratty, rancid, and repulsive dockyard within the River District. The only ship leaving Nexus City was a sketchy looking ship called the Eternal Memory.

                He lurched from the alleyway, bruises across his body protested the movement, and his banged-up foot felt extra stiff. The ship was surrounded with burley seamen who obviously doubled as security, shipping containers were being loaded, and a short line of people were waiting to board. As he approached, he saw many of the burley workers eying him, and fiddling with holstered railguns as they continued to fain work. Nearing a Gangway, one of the burly men with both hands folded behind himself stepped forward to block him. With a shuddering breath Rick said, “I need safe passage away from here.”


                “Morgan Kin’it.”

                “You do not have an accent.”

                “I am one of many who have lost our native accents.” Rick lied.

                “I require some payment.”

                Rick just nodded and brought out the necklace and bracelet with other jewelry and dropped them into the burly man’s right hand. “These two are real gold I am unsure of the value of the others.”

                The man nodded, “These will do you will be taken to Seffalon.”

                “Do I not have a choice in my destination?”


                Rick nodded to him as he turned and made his way up the gangplank.

At the top a man with a scarred face and wearing white gloves grabbed Rick’s shoulders. “Ya will be stowed in a container till we exit the sea wall and enter the Upper Ocean proper.” He said as he dragged Rick to an unmarked green container. “Make no sound.” Opening the pitch-black container, he shoved Rick in.

Rick bumped into a mass of bodies and mumbled a quick, “Excuse me.” Before settling against an empty patch of wall to wait and see if he would be truly fortunate enough to escape. After what felt like forever, he felt the boat begin to move and rock with the waves.

“Mom,” a child’s voice broke the silence. “My butt is hurting.”

“Shh,” A female voice responds in a whisper. “Stand up then.”

“Ok.” Sounds of rustling are heard then a small body bumps into Rick’s side. “Oh, I… I’m sorry.”

Rick smiled to himself. “It’s alright, I don’t bite.” He responded with a whisper.”

“Shut it.” A slurred voice whispered from the dark, “I’ll gut you if they discover us.”

He felt the momentum of the ship begin to decrease and slow to a stop. Rick held his breath as he heard muffled, indistinct talking that lasted for an indeterminant amount of time. The voices grew louder, and Rick assumed closer. Then beside him he felt the kid begin to squirm and mutter something about dust. Rick then heard the intake of air before a sneeze. Thinking quick he grabbed the kids’ face, closing his nose and mouth with his hand and sent a silent prayer to the guardian that the sneeze would be muffled enough.

The kid tried to sneeze, but no sound escaped, and Rick heard the muffled voices begin to grow quieter. Sighing in relief Rick dropped his hand and wiped it on his pants. “You good?” he whispered.


After the ship began moving again, still no one spoke, they just quietly endured the bumps and rocking of the ship and after hearing the sirens on the sea wall calling out as the gate opened, finally the container was opened allowing the smell of fresh ocean unmarred by the stench of a city to waft over them.

After Ricks eyes adjusted to seeing light again, a woman with brown hair and a simple brown dress came up to him with a young boy in tow. “Thank you, sir, I was not reacting in time.”

Rick smiled and nodded his head. “Think nothing of it, I was just selfishly looking out for my own well-being.”

She smiled and took his hand in her very soft hand. “Then I am thankful you acted so very selfishly. At the supper come and eat with me and my son, Mr.…”

“Uh,” Ricks head felt heavy as he tried to recall his fake name “Morgan… My name is Morgan Kin’it.”

“Well Mr. Kin’it I look forward to seeing more of you.”

“Ah, yes, uh, you too.”

A man with a loose-fitting white shirt with a simple brown overcoat cut them off before everyone in the container could disperse. Arms clasped behind his back. “I am Captain Ferland. This is my vessel, while on board you will all take the evening meal below deck. Also, all of you will be put in various containers for sleeping. Do not get in the crew’s way or go into crew only areas, I am not afraid to make you take a swim and leave you behind. Do you understand.”

Everyone nodded.

“Good, those of you whose payment was unsatisfactory will be put to work to pay your way to you destination.” He then turned and walked off.

Rick looked around and was about to follow the woman and her son but the gangway guard from earlier grabbed him. “Your pendants were enough to get you on board, but you still need to pay your way. Come along the ship needs a new coat of paint.


Chapter 2: Ocean

