Bylor Publishing

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Chapter 5: Return

5th of Gavos in the first year of the 4th cycle 9:00 a.m.

Rick stood shakily, in his good arm he held a red cane with a gold handle, his suit was also a lighter red with gold buttons. “This feels weird.”

                “You need to look like a proper gentleman” Rek replied.

                “And a handsome one at that,” Alice said as she admired him in the mirror.

                “besides you need to avoid being seen as untrustworthy by Firrulind, he appreciates wealth, as long as you act subservient to him, he will feel more powerful.”

                Rick nodded, “how will I bring weapons?”

                “Well, the cane is a one-shot rail gun,” he pointed out what he would need to do to activate it. “also, Firrulind does not have x-ray, so the bombs and extra guns will be covered with clothes in the duffel.”

                “Won’t the guard search through it?”

                “Show him your missing finger and give him the money from the c-stick I gave you. He should then let you on, no problem. You will be in his database as Fellon Tahn who was an agent in the Seffalon government that has recently died but no one on the ship has seen him in years so you should be safe from being recognized.”

                “How do you have all this money and yet live in such a run-down house?”

                Rek smiled, “I just don’t want to attract attention.”

                “well, if that is it, I suppose I should be off.”

                “Be safe.”

                Rick shook his head, “I don’t think I will be.”

                As he left the television crackled and a sobbing reporter was seen on screen, “Cuh’nok has reportedly just died, leaving no heir to this nation-” the sound faded into the distance as he walked to the dock. Getting on was as easy as Rek had said, as he transferred the money the guard asked, “Fleeing the coming storm?”

                Rick looked back, gunfire could be heard muffled in the distance, mixed with whoops of joy and loud sobbing. “Yes, he said, I am fleeing the storm.”

                He then walked slowly up the ramp.