Bylor Publishing

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Chapter 1: The Meal

5th of Gavos in the first year of the 4th cycle 7:00 p.m.

                The ship rocked back and forth as it churned frothing waves. The closer they got to Nexus city the more he could feel the connection with inchemy, he tried to send out a grasping tether to the railing in front of him, yet nothing happened it felt as though there was a dam holding back the water which was inchemy. He sighed, looking out at the fast-darkening sea as night approached, one hand on the rail the other on his cane. He allowed himself a couple extra heartbeats to admire the view before he moved down the stairs into the belly of the ship to dine personally with Captain Firrulind, the man who had taken his finger, drugged him, and cast him onto a nowhere island within Seffalon.

                As he descended into the depths of The Eternal Memory the metal corridors became increasingly claustrophobic, they had been painted gray but they were now streaked with rust where another coat was needed. The air felt stale and lifeless. Not at all like the air above which was moving and whipping and smelled deeply of salt. Rick came to a simple nondescript door with a small label identifying it as the captain’s quarters. Entering that room was like entering another world. Dark wood planking was on the walls with bright red silk cloth draping in the corners, to the right was a doorway to what looked to be a bed chamber framed in silks and in front of him there was a table with three chairs. Two were occupied, one with Firrulind, the other with Felice. Firrulind smiled and spread his hands outwards, “Fellon! It has been a long, long time. Please, sit, I have delicious, spiced squid prepared. Also, this here, is my wife Felice, Felice, my man within the Seffalon government Fellon Than.”

                “Thank you,” Rick, smiled as he sat, “though I am no longer your man in that government, I barely got out with my life, I knew Cuh’nok was doing poorly in health and having no clear line of succession I knew it was about to be bloody.”

                “That is understandable.” Felice spoke slowly, looking closely at Rick. “Have you met up with my husband at any time in the past five years?”

                “I have not, I had to send messages more covertly.”

                She shook her head, “you just seem so familiar.”

                “I do get that sometimes.”

                “It has been a while sense you sent a message to me.” Firrulind stated, “In it you mentioned you believed yourself to be in mortal peril. Did that get better?”

                Rick leaned back, thinking, “not particularly, I just removed myself from the center of politics and busied myself in the outskirts. That is why I was on the island I was on. Out of sight out of mind.”

                Firrulind nodded, “did you plan to return?”

                “If Cuh’nok’s health improved, I probably would have given another year.”

                “What will you do now?”

                Rick took his glove and prosthetic finger off, “this symbolizes that I am bound to you, so what would you have me do?”

                Firrulind smiled as he reached over and took the prosthetic, “There is a man, a police chief in the Crick District. Chief Bern often goes by the nickname Brick, he is my main contact for smuggling eaiz, get with him and find another warehouse for us.”

                Rick raised his eyebrows, “uh, yeah, I can do that.”

                “Good, good!” the captain threw the prosthetic back to Rick, “Don’t bother to wear it while you are with me.”

                “Yessir,” Rick said, the perfect picture of subservience, as he hoped to quietly stoke the Captains ego.

                They ate quietly for a while, until a deck hand burst in, “uh, Captain.”

                “What is it?”

                “A fight has broken out on deck.”

                “Why do you need me?”

                “It is between two people in your employ.”

                He slammed his napkin on the table, “fine I will be right up,” to Rick and Felice, “hold tight for a few minutes I will be back down.” He then disappeared out the door.

                Once he was gone Felice turned towards him and spoke in a forceful whisper, “Rick? Is that you?”

                He smiled, “yes.”

                “I thought you were dead, and you look, so much older.”

                “It has been a long five years. But I am here to help you escape.”

                “How? He has eyes everywhere.”

                “don’t worry, I have a plan.”

                She narrowed her eyes. “Ok… I trust you.”

                “When, Firrulind gets back, find a reason to excuse yourself, I need to get him alone.”


                “To do what I must.”

                “but when it is discovered, the crew will kill you.”

                “No, I don’t think so.”

                The cabin door was swung open, and a red-faced Firrulind stomped in. “A religious debate that got out of hand, the fools.” He began shoveling food in his mouth.

                “Babe, I am going to the deck to make a call, I will be back soon.”

                Firrulind grunted in response so Felice left.

                Rick’s hand was slick on his cane that was across his lap. He wanted to confront this monster that sat across from him, scream at him, reveal that Fellon was Rick. But. Rick no longer had Inchemy, and Firrulind was very capable with it. this had to be done quickly.

                “Did you have a good time catching up with Felice?”

                Rick’s head jerked up.

                “I suspected your Identity, especially considering I had heard that Fellon was dead and the fact you did not correct me when I got what my final correspondence with Fellon was.” He pulled a gun out and pointed at Rick. “goodb—”

                Rick pulled the trigger on his cane shooting Firrulind in the gut. Firrulind grunted and fired his gun but missed by a hair. Rick then lunged across the table smacking The Captain’s hand with the cane causing him to drop the gun, he then beat Firrulind with the cane in the head and upper body over and repeatedly till he quite moving.

                “That seemed a bit like overkill,” Alice said using Ricks vocal cords.

                “the job is done at least,” Rick said, “Five years of my life he took from me, this seems like too good of a fate even still.” Rick walked over to the service bell and rang it; within moments a man was at the door. As soon as he entered Rick pointed a gun at him. I have 5 million G. I am willing to split among the crew if they agree to let me take command till we get to Nexus city. If you or any of the crew refuse,” Rick held up the c stick, “I will break it and ensure none of you get any money. Do you think all of you will make the right decision?”

                “I will see that everyone does, Captain.”

                “Good man.”

                “Won’t they just beat you and take the stick?” Alice asked.

                “The future is uncertain.”