Chapter 2: Arrival

8th of Gavos 7:00 p.m.

                The entire crew had agreed not to turn on Rick, many seemed relieved to no longer be working for Firrulind. But Rick took special note of those who did not show relief and when the opportunity arose, he had them restrained.

                Felice stood next to him viewing the ocean, they were now only a day away from entering the Sea Wall. “Is this course of revenge the right thing to do?” she asked.

                “It is revenge, and that in and of itself is not right, but when we are stopped at the sea wall, I will prepare something which will aid the whole city, something which will cleanse the filth, that I believe is right. Forgive me for lacking a straight answer but some of this is for me and some for the general populace.”

                “Would Alice approve?”

                Rick mentally probed within himself, Alice had agreed not to reveal herself so Alice could not respond verbally, but he could find her emotions and they seemed resigned. “She would understand.” Rick said. “I know she would.”

                Felice nodded, “Is there any chance for us?”

                “I fear this either ends in prison or death. Is that what you want?”

                “I do not know what I want. But I have been in a cage for all these years,”

                “and you want to enjoy your freedom?” Rick guessed.

                “yes,” she said. “we have one night left,” She put her hand on his, “let me keep you company.”

                “It would not be right, giving yourself over to someone physically who you cannot make a lifelong commitment to. All I would be doing by agreeing is stringing you along in a fantasy that cannot happen.”

                “you will probably be dead by weeks end, why do you care?”

                “should I abandon morals when looking death in the face?”

                “I love you, never Firrulind, and yet he knew me physically and not you.”

                Rick sighed, the arm he had been shot in trembled, every fiber of his being screamed to give in he replied, “Goodnight Felice, give your love to someone who is not a dead man.” He then left for his room; he heard her cry quietly behind him. As he entered the room the crew had prepared him, he felt his eyes grow hot as tears slipped down his cheeks.

                “Rick, you can abandon this crusade,” Alice spoke, “Live a happy life with her.”

                “That would be a bit weird, having my previous wife in my head while I’m married to someone else. But no. I must do this.”

                “I can understand Brick, but what you are going to do to the Sea Wall many people who have not wronged you will be hurt.”

                “That is the only way for me to affect political change, flush the filth and let the city rebuild better.”

                The Eternal Memory slowed to a stop at the entrance in the Sea Wall. Rick stood in the bottom deck; a hatch open with beautiful blue water beneath him. He wore a simple black diving suit with the strap of his duffel over his shoulder. “This tank should last me an hour.” He said to Felice. “I most likely will not see you again, so be safe.”

                “Rick,” she grabbed his hand, “What you are doing cannot be the right thing. This quest of revenge, it will end worse than you think.”

                “I am sorry, but I disagree.” He said putting on his mask.

                “I love you.” She said trying to bring him closer, but he resisted and pulled away.

                “Goodbye Felice, find a good man and live a long happy life.” He said as he stepped into the warm, briny water of the deep not giving her the chance to respond.


Chapter 3: Watch The Blood


Chapter 1: The Meal